Monday, April 4, 2011

Military Life to a Military Wife

Alpha - Anticipation, AIC
Bravo - Bravery, Boldness
Charlie - Challenges, Cherish
Delta - Deployed, Dependent, Duty, Destroyer
Echo - Excitement, Email, Exercise
Foxtrot - Faith, Fear, Focus, Frigate
Golf - Girlfriends, Grins
Hotel - Hope, Holding on
India - Independence, Intimacy
Juliet - Joking, Joy
Kilo - Kick-butt, Kindness,
Lima - Love, Loyalty, Loved ones
Mike - Murphy's Law
November - Navy, Newness,
Oscar - Ownership, Oneness
Papa - Prayer, Peace, Paperwork, Patience, PoA, Peanut Butter Cup
Quebec - Query, Quirky, Quickness
Romeo - Reunion, Rules, Regulations, Rate
Sierra - Ships, Self-care, Standing Alone, Smurf Suit, Sep Pay
Tango - Tears, Thankfulness, Trying
Uniform - Uniform, Understanding, Unique, USS
Victor - Volunteer, Victory
Whiskey - Waiting, Wishing, Welcome Home, Worry
X-Ray - X-Rated,
Yankee - Yelling, Years in
Zulu - Zealous, Zoo-like, Zany


Do Be Do Bead Do said...

Hi swap partner. I'm about to be a military mother, my son is enlisting in the Marines after he gets a few college credits under his belt. I have been a follower of your blog since bead soup! Can't wait to get to know you better!


Roller Coaster said...

Awesome list! I love the x one. ;)

Thank you so much for participating and linking up with me today. Now I need to work on compiling them all in one list!