Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I "love" Dentists!

So 6 years ago I had a root canal and a crown done on the very back tooth on the upper right of my mouth (the tooth right in front of your wisdom teeth). Well my wisdom teeth were in but they were impacted so the dentist kind of ignored them. He said I should have them pulled at some point but nothing too really rush into. So I didn't. I didn't really want to have them pulled and they weren't bothering me.

Jump ahead to November of dentist because the other one's office staff was new dentist tells me that in her opinion before anything else is done in my mouth the wisdom teeth must be pulled. Apparently there was some decay in one of the wisdom teeth that had come through and she wanted them out. So in January of 2011 I had them pulled.

Then later that year I had to have my teeth deeply cleaned (as in the give you shots of Novocaine to numb you kinda cleaning). They took some x-rays and told me that I had about 10 things that needed to be done in my mouth. Including putting a crown on a tooth that had had root canal, a number of fillings, and that there was decay under the crown on my back tooth. So this year I had the crown put on and a couple fillings done. I tell them I keep getting food caught by the other tooth with a crown. They look and decided they need to replace the crown.

So yesterday I went to have them start the work on the crown and replace two fillings on the teeth in front of it. When they got the crown off they discovered the tooth under it was too far decayed to put a crown back on and it needs to be pulled. So now I have decide if I want to pull it and leave it open or if I want to pull it and have a implant put in. But there are some concerns about putting an implant in on the top so I may not have an option. I get to go back to the oral surgeon who pulled my wisdom teeth to see what he thinks about the implant and to find out what my insurance will cover. In the meantime my face feels like I've been hit because my mouth was open so long and stretched so much yesterday. Not too thrilled about the idea of a tooth being pulled but I guess it is better than having a bad tooth.


Chelle said...

When I was younger I had braces (around the age of 16). The tooth with the band around it began aching. My orthodontist didn't pay any attention, just blamed it on me not brushing well (wish I do). And then one day I asked him to take it off and my tooth fell apart. It couldn't be saved so I had it pulled. I couldn't afford at the time to do anything so I let it go. And eventually the tooth above it began to sink down. So I went and got a bridge put in because an implant scared me. Right now I have to get the bridge taken out. The cement came out and made the whole thing loose causing the crown to give me issues. So now I am waiting to get an implant probably around July/August time frame.

I'm putting it off until after we move and are settled in our new home :)

But do not put off not putting something over your tooth. It will cause the teeth that are above it to sink down eventually. That is worse than having a bad tooth.

Chelle said...

When I was younger I had braces (around the age of 16). The tooth with the band around it began aching. My orthodontist didn't pay any attention, just blamed it on me not brushing well (wish I do). And then one day I asked him to take it off and my tooth fell apart. It couldn't be saved so I had it pulled. I couldn't afford at the time to do anything so I let it go. And eventually the tooth above it began to sink down. So I went and got a bridge put in because an implant scared me. Right now I have to get the bridge taken out. The cement came out and made the whole thing loose causing the crown to give me issues. So now I am waiting to get an implant probably around July/August time frame.

I'm putting it off until after we move and are settled in our new home :)

But do not put off not putting something over your tooth. It will cause the teeth that are above it to sink down eventually. That is worse than having a bad tooth.

Gwen said...

UGH! Dental issues are the worst. I have soft teeth and fight with issues all the time. Hoping for the best for you.