Monday, March 14, 2011

Military Diaper Bag

A friend of mine B recently had a baby. Her sister R  had one a few months before and I made her a diaper bag. Well B asked for one but in camouflage. Never one to turn down a challenge...I decided I could do one better. Her husband was deployed but he was coming home before her shower so I asked him for his help. I wanted  one of his old uniforms to use for the diaper bag. He said no problem. He came home for a visit and with the help of his mother-in-law and B I was able to get the uniform. B actually brought it into the building without knowing it. So with some interesting layout challenges I got it cut out. It went together beautifully. Her shower was yesterday and she loved it!! It was an interesting project to work on because it wasn't just a bolt of fabric it was something that her husband wore and that would be special to B and to her children. I actually had a woman at the shower ask about one for her because her husband is retiring and she wants a keepsake.


Molly said...

What a personal and original bag! How thoughtful.

elisabeth said...

Very very cool!