Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Book Review: I Got This by Jennifer Hudson

I read a lot, magazines, online, and books. Usually a book takes me about three to four days sometimes even up to a week. But last week I bought Jennifer Hudson's "I Got This" book and I finished it in a couple days. It was great! I loved reading about her journey to fame, her faith, her family, and her success at weight loss with Weight Watchers.

The way she wrote it felt more like a good conversation with a friend than a book. I felt like she just puts it out there and you can take or leave it. Throughout the book when someone would tell her something (mainly her Mom) she would respond "whatever" and of course the person was usually right.

Overall I thought it was a well written, enjoyable book that is definitely worth the read whether you're a Jennifer Hudson fan, a Weight Watchers fan, or just someone looking for a good book.

Whatcha been reading lately?

P.S. This book inspired me to watch Dreamgirls which happened to be on demand...that was a good movie too!


Allie said...

Sounds awesome! I love books that are an inspiration to people. Even if they're not necessarily meant to be! I have several book reviews I've been meaning to do also. Just trying to find the time! I'll definitely have to look into downloading this book! :)