Monday, March 8, 2010

Laying the Foundation...

In all things there first has to be a foundation...

When you build a house you don't just throw up walls and a roof without first putting up a solid foundation to support them. When you are making a necklace you have to pick proper stringing material to support your finished design or you will end up with a faulty necklace. When working with youth in church work you have to realize you are laying the foundation.

This past weekend a group of seven crazy brave adults took 20 middle school youth on a weekend retreat 8 hours away at a Methodist retreat center called Lake Junaluska. It was an experience. Middle schoolers are a tough bunch...they aren't children any more but they aren't adults. They aren't even teens in many cases. They were a good group of youth but they are middle schoolers so we had moments.

There was one youth who caused us some trouble because they (I'm trying not to identify) thought they were too cool to be there. But on Saturday night after the worship service we took all of them on a "hike" (walk up the hill) to the cross in silence. They did a good job. And it was meaningful to all including them. It is moments like that they make it worthwhile.

We may not see the impact this trip made on them until later but I know from personal experience that a good foundation leads to a good adult...even if the road is a little bumpy along the way.