Friday, March 27, 2009

New addition...

We have a new addition...a nine week old pit bull puppy...he is wonderful...fiesty...and fun. Pictures will come soon...I promise. In the meantime let me just say that the girl who didn't want to become a Mom is becoming a Mom to dogs...I talk about them all the time...I dwell on them...I schedule around them...I refer to them as children. Yes I am that girl...I'm working on it. But if you saw them you would be won over too...Trust me it is futile to resist.

Back again...

Ok so I keep saying that and then disappearing...this time I mean it. I will work on a weekly post as my first goal. I have been struggling with my weight since oh I don't know since I first discovered chocolate ice cream...age 2...

Actually for me my weight struggle began in 4th grade...don't know what changed but I went from a slim young girl to a chunky cute girl in one year. And since then my weight has gone up and down more than an elevator. But since about 1998 my weight has plateaued...guess I'm great at maintenance. I've tried Weight Watchers a few times...pretty soon I'll get an award for most attempts, I've tried PRISM, Weigh Down Workshop, Weight Loss Forever, counting calories, counting fat, working out like a mad woman...etc. The only thing that worked was consistent moderate exercise and moderate food intake. So I've decided I'm going back to Weight Watchers because they encourage both. But I'm debating when to go back...I work in a church and this is high stress time for me so I'm thinking I'll wait and go after Easter. We'll see...I'm going to ask J to go with me...he'll be doing it with me so might as well.

Food is an issue for me...I love food especially sweets I could live on Coke and chocolate. For a good while actually...but then I will start to crave healthy food. I love salad, carrots, celery, grilled meat, and other things healthy I just have to plan and as an ENFP I'm not the best at that...because if I don't plan I eat horribly...but if I plan I tend to stick to it. So suggestions are welcome...