Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Confirmation Retreat

In the United Methodist Church confirmation is a big deal. It is the time after baptism (usually decided by your parents) where you as a youth get to make a decision to join the church. As a church it is an exciting time because youth are learning about Methodism and are excited about  joining.

This weekend as part of their Confirmation process we are taking a group of them to Lake Junaluska. They have weekend retreats for the spiritual growth of the youth. My hubby and I have been asked to chaperone. And although we will be partially responsible for 19+ youth it will be a neat experience for us too.

There is worship, history, workshops, free time, and other fun stuff that will keep the youth busy. Last time I went the girls in my room and I had a "mini-slumber" party each night before bed. This time the arrangements are such that we can't do that. But I will tell you that discussing faith with 6th-8th graders helps you look at your own faith.

My ex was agnostic. And I fully believe that you should believe or not believe whatever you would like I'm not going to force my beliefs on you. But I am a Christian and I want to be with a Christian because it works better. The day my hubby and I got married we made a commitment in front of God to each other. It meant something to us. As part of our journey we go to church and participate in church related things. I'm glad that he enjoys and is willing to do things like this with me.

"But as for me and my household we will serve the Lord."  ~ Joshua 24:15b